Monday, August 1, 2011

The World is Flat ?

     This week I read The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman, it was very interesting because he had came to the conclusion that Globalization had changed key economic concepts. One of the assumptions is that the United States was either falling behind or close to even in technological advances. Mr. Friedman was making this assumtion while visiting India. He lists 10 distinct events that he says proves that the world is flatenning, and that America's role is diminishing including with business and economic superiority. What amazes me though is how many foreign exchange students I saw in my undergrad programs or how many Grants, Scholarships they received. I don't agree that the playing field is being lowered I just believe that here in the United States we pay more for our Technology. Yes everything is computerized,videoconferencing, Web 2.0, videochatting etc. Its all microwave, and information is travelling at a much faster pace. I would like to propose that some of the readers read the article, The World is Spiky, Globalization has changed the economic playing field, but has not leveled it and compare it with The World is Flat.

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