Monday, December 3, 2012

The Ethics of Teaching withTechnology

One Size Fits All Education Page # 1


     Most educators are lifetime learners that is usually the biggest reason why they teach.

Educators are finding out that it is not enough to walk into a classroom environment with a

doctorate or more than twenty years of teaching in a classroom environment, you have to

challenge and engage students. Lectures don’t always grab their attention, they don’t come from

the same backgrounds or approach learning the same way their educators do. They may be

diverse learners from diverse cultures and requiring culturally responsive instruction.

Relationships have to be built that will encourage students to meet higher expectations, (Davis;

2006). Every educator, every student, every stakeholder has to take a rigorous curriculum of

character development. Students have to hold each other to their best efforts, intellectually,

physically, spiritually, emotionally and socially. Universities also are acting more like businesses

 dropped out of school said more relevant real learning may have influenced them to stay inn 

school.  One size fits all education really does not fit students needs but educators must continue

to explore what to do about it.

                                                    Differentiated Education

     Students have to be provided choices to show their understanding and they have to be taught

in a responsive way. Differentiated Instruction allows students to learn and work on skills that

are appropriate at their skill level. They should be given tiered assignments that provide different

levels of complexity. Students should be allowed to choose their own topics or sub topics within

a framework the educator provides. It is a concept that is helping transform the art of teaching

into the science of teaching, (Marzano, Pickering and Polluck; 2001).  This is an era of high

stakes testing when educators are forced to aim instruction towards what will be assessed not

what the students really want to learn. Tasks usually are designed to make information


One Size Fits All and Personal Learning Page #2

accessible, increase assimilation and concepts of authentic ways that enlighten everybody.

Tailoring differentiated instruction is incorporating motivation, making resources accessible and

encouraging collaborative learning. This will encourage self esteem and academic success.

Gagne and Briggs incorporated cognitive theory into instructional theory for conceptualizing

instructional design. Their instructional theory was based on a set of capabilities and learning

outcomes that students acquired during instruction. They came up with a set of requirements for

instructional systems design which included the following:

     The system must be designed for the individual,

     It should include immediate and long-range phases,

     It should substantially affect individual development, and

     It must be based on knowledge of how people learn.

     Teachers are trained to ensure that all students in their classroom get the attention they require

and all students require individual assistance from the teacher at one point or another. This is

what makes teaching such a demanding job, but also what makes teaching so rewarding.

Collaborative Learning is widely considered the best approach to education, this is when diverse

learners come together. Students learn a great deal from each other. Educators must learn their

students and find creative ways to adapt to suit the student’s abilities and pace for learning.

Learner variables have already become important in instructional theory. In the near future I also

see a trend where unique educator situations will also be taken into account. As E-Learning

expands educators careers will also be expanding because of the fluidity of the technology. Good

educators with a great foundation of knowledge will begin adapting even more to existing

instructional methods, (Tennyson; 2010).

                                                   Personalized Education

     Personalized education promotes education that is tailored to individual student learning

styles, interests, and goals. It empowers students to find their own paths to their own dreams and

create lifelong learners prepared for the  modern world and the future, (Personalized; 2011).  In 1984 Bloom found that average students who were tutored one on one

outperformed 98 percent of students who were learning via conventional methods, however this

method is not cost effective. Bill Gates stated that the best lectures in the world will be online

within the next five years, (Andersen; 2011). Students would be tagged with Socratic Learning

questions, that were personalized to their own learning interests, educational spaces instead of

brick and mortar schools, (learning management system), and a person of authority or instructor.







Davis, Bonnie M.; How to teach students who don’t look like you; Culturally relevant teaching

      2007 Corwin Press; Thousand Oakes, Ca. Pp. 6-11

Inclusive; Inclusive education, the practice of adapting mainstream schools and

     classrooms so that students can learn together each at their own pace.  May 2011

     Inclusive Education,

Mazzano, Robert J., Pickering, Debra and Pollock, Jane; Classroom instruction that works

     2007 Quality Paperbacks, Danville, Ma.  Pp. 13-29

Murdock, Melissa; The disadvantages of a one size fits all education. June 28, 2008

Personalized;  Personalized education envision, create, empower. October

     31, 2011. Personalized,

Primary Education; Differentiation in the classroom. October 31, 2011

     Primary Education,


Robison, Mike; One size fits all? Aged based tracking versus ability grouping in elementary

     School mathematics. December 1998,

Taylor, Valorie;  One-size-fits-all-vs. pick-and-choose-format. October 31, 2011

Tennyson, Robert D.: Historical Reflection on Learning Theories and Instructional Design

     Contemporary Educational Technology, 2010, 1 (1), 1-16.

The Free; Avoiding-the-one-size-fits-all-curriculum; textsets, inquiry and

     differentiating instruction. September 22, 2004




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